Frequently asked questions


What shipping methods are available?

We work with Mondial Relais, Colis Privé, Colissimo and Chronopost to receive your order at relay points. The home delivery method is not yet available.

Do you ship internationally?

No. We ship to the following countries: France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Switzerland.

How long will it take to receive my package?

The receipt of packages is fast: within 2-3 days in France and 3-4 days in Europe. See list of countries above. (Excluding holidays and weekends)


What payment methods are accepted?

We accept payment by credit card (CB, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro) as well as payment via Google Pay and Apple Pay. We hope to quickly offer the Paypal payment method to our customers.

Is it safe to buy online?

Yes, the online purchase is secure. We have an SSL certificate allowing you to pay online with complete peace of mind.

Orders and returns

How do I place an order?

It's very simple. You just have to put your items in your cart and to validate it. We will then ask you to create an account if you have not already done so. After you have paid for your purchase, it is validated.

How can I cancel or change my order?

Once your order has been validated following your payment by credit card, you can no longer cancel it. All requests for changes should be sent to the following address: We will study your request and a negative or positive answer will be given to you.

Do I need an account to place an order?

Yes, without creating an account, you will not be able to place an order.

How do I track my order?

Go to the bottom of the page in "Order tracking" which is in "My account".

How do I return a product?

Before any return of product, you must make the request beforehand to the company KRYS GLAM by e-mail and explain the reason. An answer will be given to you for acceptance of this one or not. If your request is successful, you are free to use the return shipping method of your choice.

Articles and sizes

There is no longer my size, what to do?

Contact me and I will let you know if there will be any restocking of this item.

I hesitate between 2 sizes, which one to choose?

Contact me and I will advise you objectively.

You don't have a large size. Do you have a solution for me?

Yes, some items may be too big, I would be able to tell you if those offered on the shop can suit you. If no article corresponds to your request, I can carry out research and offer you something else.

By using your services, will I be charged for your research?

No, I do it wholeheartedly and with great pleasure because I know what it's like not to find your happiness or to be a woman overwhelmed by your daily life.
We are here to help you! Contact us

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